Golf and women (3/3) - What could convince women to play golf?
What solutions could we implement to attract women and girls on golf courses. We propose ideas on both structural and non structural levels.

Golf and women (2/3) - Why do some women play golf?
The reasons why some women do play golf. How did they start, why are they playing and why (some) did they stop playing? This article is the second of a set of three.

Golf and women (1/3) - Why don’t most women play golf?
The reasons why women don't play golf. And what would make them come and play golf. This article is the first chapter of a set of three.

Golf and millennials (3/3) - What could convince millennials to play golf?
What solutions could we implement to attract millennials on golf courses. We propose ideas on both structural and non structural levels.

Golf and millennials (2/3) - Why do some millennials play golf?
The reasons why some millennials do play golf. How did they start, why are they playing and why did they stop playing? This article is the second of a set of three.

Golf and millennials (1/3) - Why don’t most millennials play golf?
The reasons why millennials don't play golf. And what would make them play golf ? This article is a first of a set of three.